a person holding a surfboard in the ocean
Community Partnerships
a couple of women cleaning the beach

Community Stories

A Touch of Local

The Rockaway is committed to enriching guest experiences through meaningful partnerships with local businesses and nonprofits. By infusing our design with local character and engaging in community initiatives, we enhance our offerings and collectively make a positive impact.

a woman and a girl in a pool
a small green and white vehicle
a group of people posing for a photo
Community Engagements

The Rising Tide Effect

In partnership with Rising Tide Effect, The Rockaway offers a notable four-week intensive program providing essential swimming skills and water safety training to students with limited financial resources, thus promoting inclusivity and safety in aquatic environments.


Circuit aims to diminish congestion and its environmental impact by promoting short trips without cars, encouraging minimal parking, and linking to mass transit. Partnering with progressive municipalities and advertisers, we provide electric shuttles for smarter and affordable mobility.

Jamaica Bay Rockaway Parks Conservancy

Our hotel collaborates with The Jamaica Bay-Rockaway Parks Conservancy to enhance 10,000 acres of parkland in Jamaica Bay and Rockaway, improving access, recreation, education, and conservation for all. Just 10 minutes away, the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge offers unparalleled opportunities to observe migrating species.